
The Sport Club program is designed to serve the sporting interests of KU students, faculty and staff. The program offers sport activities and opportunities for members of the university community. Each club is guided by KU Recreation Services, but student development is emphasized as each club is student-led, student-ran and student-driven. 

Sport clubs have the opportunity to participate and/or compete in a variety of ways. Whether your interest be for campus involvement, leisure participation or at regional/national level, the Sport Club Program is bound to have something to fit your needs! 


Prior to completing the DoSportsEasy registration please contact leadership from the club(s) you are specifically interested in as DoSportsEasy registration is not always the first step for all clubs (though it is a requirement for full active participation with any sport club).


Most clubs host try-outs and/or open practices for new member recruitment prior to being welcomed to active participation within the club such as practices and competition. If the club(s) you are interested in are hosting tryouts/ open practice and you would like to participate please contact leadership from the club(s) you are specifically interested in and confirm tryouts, open gym, or an open practice are being held. Upon confirmation they will provide a link and ask you to complete the waiver to participate in tryouts/open practice.


If club leadership has instructed you to complete your DoSportsEasy registration please continue to register.